
The aesthetically designed campus offers a stimulating atmosphere, conducive to all round development of a student and also facilitates fervid cross-functional learning. The campus is equipped with the newest technology to ensure that the students receive a world class environment to harness their capabilities.

Computer Lab/ IT Lab
The computer lab is spacious and well equipped with basic and ultra modern equipment for providing hand-on training to the students as per the curriculum requirements. The faculty and student of Dewan College of Education are part of National Mission on Education through ICT . A program funded by National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Government of India.
Science Lab
Instructional Laboratory Experience is personal interaction with equipment/tools leading to the accumulation of knowledge and skills required in a practice oriented profession understanding this Dewan College of Education has installed a well equipped, furnished and roomy science laboratory.
The College stresses on practical work as a prerequisite to theory and on producing fully competent pupil teachers who can face the challenge of modern day education practices with innovative ideas.

The laboratory :

Provide concrete examples and demonstration of the subject matter.
Provide experience in the preparation of science reports and teaching plan.
Develop practical knowledge and skill with equipment
Promote respect for reliable data.
Psychology Lab
Psychology lab is an integral part of Dewan College of Education as the knowledge of psychology is essential for the pupil teachers to acquaint them with various tests and to develop necessary skills in them for administration and interpretation of test such that they can know about learner and help in development of balanced personality of the learner.


The laboratories are spacious, furnished, well set, ventilated and facilitated with teaching aids.


The qualified, experienced faculties in the College prepare students such that most teachings are accompanied by a hands-on laboratory
component, so that the classroom theory is immediately applied in the lab. For this they offer small class sizes in the laboratory that provides an interactive approach to learning technical, experimental and programming concepts.


Work effectively in teams, including structure individual and joint accountability; assign roles, responsibilities, and tasks; monitor progress; meet deadlines; and integrate individual contributions.

Ethics in the Lab

Behave with highest ethical standards, including reporting information objectively and interacting with integrity.Sensory Awareness Use the human senses to gather information and to make sound judgments in formulating conclusions about real-world problems
Language Lab
The Language Laboratory is used for all four skills: listening, reading, writing and speaking. By listening to and repeating the clear and correct diction the pupil teacher learn how to pronounce the words which in turn leverage their communicative English skills. To learn the diction, pronunciation and communication each student has his/her own console with a headset to practice on their own; in conjunction to this student has accessibility to discuss directly with the teacher from their own station.
Social Studies Lab
All Education programs have traditionally had a laboratory class component in their structure. The practical work forms the backbone of teaching education. Recognizing this fact, DCE places great emphasis on equipping and upgrading its laboratories continuously. The laboratories are such scheduled that each student or group of students get ample time to work.


The laboratory is spacious, furnished, well set, ventilated and facilitated with teaching aids.


The practical approach towards learning theory is to practice it along. Laboratories possess the equipment and raw materials to conduct experiments as per the syllabus and to accomplish their intellect creativity.
Seminar Hall
The seminar hall of Dewan College of Education is specifically designed considering the present day necessity of special lectures. The DCE seminar hall is roomy, furnished, well set and ventilated with a comfortable seating of 100 audiences. The seminar hall is equipped with ultra modern facilities like-
Light system
Sound system
LCD Multimedia Projector 520w, 300w
Lecture Hall
Students in this day and age expect a range of teaching styles from large lectures to seminar and practical groups to small tutorial groups’ .The Dewan College of Education offers a challenging and rewarding learning experience combining face-to-face teaching with technology-enhanced learning support for its pupil teacher.
The lecture halls are spacious, furnished, well set, ventilated and equipped with OHP.

Tutorial Classroom

The tutorial classrooms are slightly smaller than lecture hall. They are sizable, furnished ventilated and equipped with OHP.


The lab-cum-classrooms are spacious, furnished, well set and ventilated. The practical approach to learn theory is to practice it along. Thus lab-cum-classrooms were facilitated with latest technical devices such as Multimedia Projector, Advanced PA System, Smart Board and OHP etc.

Dewan V.S Group of Institution’s each Institute edifice is supported with a library of at least 100 seating capacity positioned either centrally or in proximity to the department managed by a Central Library. The library has quiet and group study areas. The library has technical staff and computers including a printer and a photocopier machine. These facilities are allotted to the Library for technical work.
The primary purpose of the library is to support teaching, research, academic & management programs, and collaboration with others.
Library holds a rich collection of printed as well as electronic resources which include books, journals, databases, audio-visual materials, CDs, e-journals, annual reports of top companies, case studies, conference proceedings, training manuals, etc. The print collection includes general books and copious volumes predominantly related to science & technology, management, and allied subjects. The Libraries subscribes to over 200 print journals and provides access to many e-journals through various databases.
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