Teaching Methodologies

The Teaching Methodologies for B.Ed

  • Thoughtful intermingling of lectures

  • Seminars

  • Discussions

  • Role – playing

  • Special Lecturers by Eminent Academicians,
    Scholars etc.

  • Group presentations

Use of modern teaching practices like

  • Computer aided instruments, Films, Audio-Visual means, LCD & Over Head Projectors is a frequent feature of the pedagogy at Dewan College of Education.

  • The college conducts a Guide Captain’s Preliminary Training Camp of seven days duration every year too, to the B.Ed. trainees.

Demonstration Method

A Demonstration is a planned performance by a presenter on an occupational skill, scientific principle or experiment. At Dewan College of Education we follow three steps of the “Learning Cycle”

  • Thoughtful intermingling of lectures

  • Demonstration and development of the understanding by the learner – The Assimilative Step

  • The Application Step

Discussion Method

The discussion method is a method of great versatility in classroom teaching. At Dewan College of Education ‘Magic Circle’ technique is used where pupil teacher follow the following golden rules of Magic Circle Technique

  • To take turns at speaking

  • To listen what others have to say

  • To recall what other have said

Tutorial Method

Each Faculty member’s guidance on curricular and co-curricular activities is disseminated to the group of students who are allotted to him/her under tutorial system. Role Playing Method

Role-playing goes by many names: acting, improvisation, dramatic play, pretend play, socio-drama, etc. Role Play as a teaching method help pupil teacher reach outside their world and embrace the feelings, emotions and plights of others.

Project Method

Project Based Learning is extensively used at Dewan College of Education as a primary curriculum organizer and instructional method .In this students go through an extended process of enquiry to complex question, problem or challenge developing a deep understanding of the concept and standards of a project theme . At the heart of a project method the students are allowed for “Voice and Choice”.

Lecture Method

In this Method the Instructor is the central focus of Information transfer. At Dewan College of Education we take special care of under mentioned points while using Lecture Method for pedagogy to pupil teacher

  • Presenting an outline of the lecture (using the blackboard, overhead transparency or handout) and referring to it as the instructor move from point to point.

  • Repeating the points in several different ways. Including relevant examples and concrete ideas.

  • Preferring short sentences in the Lecture.

  • Stressing the important points (through our tone or explicit comments).

  • Using Pauses to give listeners time to think and write.

  • Using the lectures to complement, not simply repeat, the text.

  • Learn student’s names and make contact with them during the lecture.

  • Avoiding too much information into the allotted time.

  • Scheduling time for discussion in the same or separate class periods as the lecture.

School Teaching

  • “Those who educate children well are more to be honored than they who produce them; for these only gave them life, those the art of living well.” ? Aristotle

  • Teaching with O.H.Ps (Over Head Projectors)

  • The overhead projector is a very useful adjunct to other teaching aids. It is a small machine designed to project an image on the transparencies onto a small screen or whiteboard or white wall. The OHP is easy to operate and flexible. The lecturer can address the audience with the help of transparencies.

Micro Teaching

At Dewan College of Education in Micro Teaching a student teacher practices teaching with a reduce number of pupils in a reduced period of time with emphasis on a narrow and specific teaching skill.

Micro Teaching is a procedure comprising following phases :

  • Pre- Active Phase – The Knowledge Acquisition Phase

  • Inter- Active Phase – The Skill Acquisition Phase

  • Post- Active Phase -The Transfer Phase

Steps of Micro-teaching

  • Orientation of the student teachers

  • Discussion of Teaching Skills

  • Selection of a Particular Teaching Skill

  • Presentation of a Model Demonstration Lesson

  • Observation of the Model Lesson and Criticism

  • Preparation of Micro Lesson Plan

  • Creation of Micro-teaching Setting

  • Practice of the Skill (Teaching)

  • Providing Feedback

  • Re-planning (usually of 12 minutes)

  • Re-teaching (Usually of 6 minutes)

  • Providing Re-Feedback (Usually of 6 minutes)

  • Repetition of the Micro-teaching Cycle – Usually comprise of

Teach : 6 Minutes, Feedback : 6 Minutes, Re-Plan : 12 Minutes, Re-Teach : 6 Minutes, Re-Feedback : 6 Minutes

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